Published On: May 23rd, 2013/Categories: Carl's Transformation/2.7 min read/

Day 11 – The Hunter Gatherer

After yesterday’s exhaustive training I was glad to have a full day of rest.

Day: 11
Date: 22/05/2013
Workout Day: Rest
Weight (lb): 166.0 (5.8 lb loss)
Body Fat %: 15.2 (1.3% loss)
Health: Fine

I was on the road today, with no access to any real training, so I was forced to take it easy and trust in the power of the all important rest days. Whilst it’s nice to be completely away from the gym, these days also bring a level of stress trying to plan my meals and stick to the diet.

Breakfast is a fairly easy one, as you can always have that before you leave the house. But after that it becomes a game of “hunt the healthy food” as I walk round London in search of meat and vegetables. On the face of it you’d think this would be a relatively simple task, and indeed finding meat is as simple as picking up countless packets of cooked chicken/beef from the supermarket. But vegetables are a whole different story. You’re pretty much faced with raw veg in need of a microwave, or salad. Personally I don’t count salad as a vegetable since it contains very little nutrient density or fibre. But as I was on the go, the salad was the only option, so my lunch and dinner were to be a mass of cooked meat and a big bowl of prepared salad. I was not happy with this, so when I got home late on I made a plate full of veg and munched through that.

You’d think that food establishments would be able to provide for this, but they either off low-carb or low-calorie – very rarely both where it’s actually nutritious. I need to do some planning to see how I can better handle this scenario in the future.

I’ve got a super busy day tomorrow, but no reason not to eat well and have another good session in the gym.

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About the Author: Carl Gottlieb
I'm the trusted privacy advisor to leading tech companies, helping them gain maximum advantage through the right privacy strategy. My consultancy company Cognition provides a range of privacy and security services including Data Protection Officers, in-depth assessments and virtual security engineers. Get in touch if you'd like to learn more.

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